Ted Talk

TED Talks: Ideas Worth Spreading (18 minutes of inspiration)

Started in 1984, TED was a place where ideas on technology, entertainment and design could be shared.  But now it has developed into a broad spectrum of subjects ranging from health & business to science & sports.  Peter and I find a lot of inspiration, motivation and entertainment from these 5-18 minute videos on YouTube… I find myself saying …another one… another one… let’s watch another one!

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. 

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


That’s why we were so excited to find out Encinitas is hosting a TEDx event next month (March 15th). It’s all very exciting, I have been dying to attend one of these conferences, and now, not only do we get to attend, but we get to speak!

We are still fine tuning our talk but the title is going to be Fearlessly Passionate. We’re going to share our journey and speaking on the importance of putting fear aside and following your passion!  Of course health and food will make it’s way into the talk too :)

If you’re in San Diego and interested in joining us (we would love your support, I may be feeling a little nervous:) you can apply to attend… I know, apply(?), they take these things serious;) The other speakers are also very inspiring and there’s going to be performers as well as acro yoga! You can Sign Up HERE!

I thought it would be fun to close this post with our favorite ones.

 5 of our Favorite TED Talks …







Have you seen any of those TED Talks before?

Do you have a favorite? Share the title so we can find it:)



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