Sarah and I are talking big picture stuff these days, which is a long ways from where we started.

My parents gave me a juicer for Christmas. At the time I thought it was a joke and that only kooky people used them.

Within 4 weeks I was juicing AND blending throughout the week. I even kicked coffee and eliminated most processed foods…somewhat of a slippery slope, right!?

If you’re getting into health, my advice is not to be worried. Rather, get excited. There’s a bright and healthy future waiting for you. Don’t resist it. Lean into it. Change is inevitable, and necessary for growth and improvement.

Join Sarah and myself as we discuss what makes us tick.



Why does this matter? What’s so relevant about thinking about what makes use tick?

It’s perhaps the most important thing in your life. It’s your drive, and what gives you hope. Never stop thinking about why you do what you do. You only have one life. Do what matters most – you won’t regret it.

So tell us, what makes you tick?

Food-related or not, we’re all ears.

What makes us tick for work, it’s This. We loved inspiring and empowering people to cook more.

What makes us tick for cooking, it’s feeling good. Ever since we started eating better our quality of life has skyrocket!

Also, what do you want to see from us next week?

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