Many people want to know exactly what is a plant based diet, and whether or not it’s something they should try.

Let me be the first to tell you: this way of eating is NOT for everyone.

I’ve realized this from personal experience.

There are some amazing advantages to eating a diet rich in nutrient dense plant foods, but it’s radically different than the average American diet.

In general, people who are able to adopt (and maintain) a plant based lifestyle are those who have a lot to gain from it.

Some of the life changing benefits include:

  • Weight loss
  • Increased energy
  • Prevent & reduce chronic diseases (such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, etc.)
  • Improved digestion
  • Cancer survival

But there are other perks as well, which include: healthier skin, better sex, whiter eyes, and a clearer conscience that comes from supporting the environment & animals.


Did you notice we just took a turn towards a more vegan hippy side?

Yep, plant based eating also makes you a hippie by default!

This is very similar to a vegan diet.

Except you’re actually more of a health nut, and here’s why…

What you eat on a plant based diet

Eating this way means you emphasis pretty much everything edible in the plant-kingdom:

Vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, seeds, nuts, etc.

What to eat on plant based diet

Why just plants?

Because these are considered to be the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.

This is also where this diet begins to quickly depart from modern American culture, as meat, dairy products, and everything in between is strictly avoided.

The whole food plant based diet philosophy is all about maximizing nutrients, eliminating junk, and excluding toxic foods.

What’s not included in a plant based diet

These ‘excluded’ foods fall into 2 categories: those that are considered toxic and harmful to our bodies, and those which severely lack nutrients.

Animal based foods

The vast majority of the population enjoys a diet rich in animal products.

Beef, chicken, pork, cheese, milk, butter, eggs, lard, whey protein, gelatin, etc.

Many researchers are finding more and more supporting evidence to suggest that animal proteins & fats are directly causing the diseases that plague our society today.

Heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, alzheimer’s, and many others as well.

It’s a frightening thought that our population is literally killing themselves with food, but it seems people are more afraid at what will happen when they stop eating meat.

Refined foods

Any foods that have had their nutrients ‘stripped away’ are not worthy of being included in a plant based diet.

The goal of eating this way is to maximize vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytochemicals.

However, refined foods are no longer considered ‘whole’.

As Dr. Colin Campbell famously likes to state: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”

Refined foods have had their whole state reduced down either for flavor, texture, shelf-life, or for a specific nutritional attribute such as it’s protein or fat content.

This is where refined foods actually begin to overlap with what are considered processed foods…

Minimizing processed foods

Similar to refined foods, processed foods have had their nutrition profile altered in some way.

Some basic examples of these are olive oil, coconut oil, brown rice protein, white rice, white flour.

I’m sure you hear people say processed foods are bad – but why?

In terms of a plant based diet, a refined wheat flour lacks nutrient superiority, so it’s recommended those are eliminated.

However, a refined oil (for example, olive oil) is actually considered to be harmful, and you can’t get the full health benefits of a plant based diet if there’s any notable amount.

Simply put, oil should be minimized on a plant based diet, as well as excess fat in general, if you’re looking to maximize the effectiveness of this way of eating.

Fat is damaging to the endothelial cells (the delicate lining of our blood vessels), and if your main objective is to reduce your cholesterol, it should be excluded entirely if possible.

Once you reach your health goals with a low fat plant based diet, you can always add your fats (avocado, nuts, seeds, oil) back into your diet down the road, and see how your body responds to it.

vegan diet minimize processed foods

Why the plant based diet is blowing up

I’m not going to lie, this diet is a butt kicker, and requires a total lifestyle overhaul.

However, it’s completely changed my life, and I’m not alone.

Here are a few reasons why it’s worth a try…

The results are unbelievable

Eating a plant based diet is a drastic change, but the transformations are epic.

If you choose to eat this way, and commit 100%, there’s literally no limit to how much you can improve your health.

I don’t know why, but many people who convert to a plant based diet go on to pursue high intensity activities, such as running marathons, training for triathlons, weight lifting, rock climbing, etc.

This diet will no doubt make you feel younger.

Here are a few examples from my own life…

Weight Loss

I personally lost 10 pounds in 30 days after quitting just cheese, and that’s not even why I gave it up. I thought I would improve my digestion as I was preparing to train for my first marathon. That first 10lbs by itself would have made it worth it.

Better Digestion

I struggled with constipation all the way through college, only having 2 bowel movements per week. Now I go every single day. This may be TMI, but I’m sure you can imagine what a difference that feels like!

Chronic Disease

My primary motivation to eat plant based was to avoid all of the diseases that run in my family. I didn’t want to die of a heart attack, or live with Type 2 Diabetes, or lose my mind to Alzheimer’s.

It’s not too late to change your life.

Plant based eating is sustainable

This isn’t a fad diet.

In fact, cultures with some of the healthiest & oldest people have been eating plant based for thousands of years.

Eating this way gives you energy, and doesn’t focus on calorie restriction.

In fact, this is actually a high carb diet, with less emphasis on fats and plant proteins.

Not that protein and fat aren’t essential to human health – THEY ARE!

But we don’t really need more than 5-8% protein in our diet.

And we don’t need more than 10% fat in our diet.

It changes your whole life

Converting to a plant based diet saved my life.

I was depressed, didn’t feel good, and had no purpose.

I inadvertently eliminated the cheese in my diet, and then gradually ate less meat, and finally made the transition 6 months later.

My family thought I was nuts.

But I was able to reconnect with Sarah, the love of my life.

plant based diet will change your life

I’ve been eating totally plant based since 2010, and absolutely recommend this diet to anyone open to it.

And I’m not alone.

There is so much information out there on plant based nutrition, and I recommend you continue learning as much as possible.

Additional plant based diet resources

The China Study

Amazing book which covers some of the early pioneering plant based research conducted by Dr. Colin Campbell. This is good if you like lots of references to studies and science. Get it on Amazon here.

Plant Based Nutrition (Idiot’s Guide)

Great choice if you want to learn more nutrition basics, and how to get the essentials with a plant based diet – it’s not that difficult. Get it on Amazon here.

So what do you think, are you ready to try a plant based diet?

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