By purchasing any products or services from The Seasonal Diet LLC, I understand and agree with the following statements:

In consideration of my receiving wellness coaching services, I do hereby waive, release, and forever discharge my coach, agents, employees, and all others from any and all responsibility or liability for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in any activities or my use of fitness equipment arising out of my participation in any activities under such coaching.

I understand that neither Sarah or Peter Hagstrom are psychological or medical professionals. The goal of coaching is to create a supportive alliance in which I can attain my own stated goals and become independent of the coach.

I agree that using any or every part of these wellness coaching services is entirely at my own risk. Wellness coaching services are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. I understand that I may be coached in fitness, nutrition, weight management, stress management, emotional resilience, life visioning, overall health and health risk management. These services may be requested or rejected at my own free choice.

Wellness coaching services are not meant to be a substitute for counseling or treatment for mental health problems. Wellness coaching is an excellent way to gather individualized information by which my own decisions can be made.

I do hereby further acknowledge that I have either had a physical examination and have been given a physician's permission to participate or that I have decided to participate in activity and/or use of equipment and machinery without the approval of my physicians and do hereby assume all responsibility and risks of injury or death from such participation and activities.

No assumption of responsibility is made, or given, and the party requesting such advice agrees not to hold the coach responsible or liable in any form or fashion, for such actions taken of their own accord. The method and process by which this advice and direction are given in no way would constitute an agreement or liability on the part of the provider and is acknowledged to be different in many ways than a one-on-one clinical or psychological counseling process.

Refund Policy

Wellness Coaching: I understand that I am free to discontinue coaching at any time, or restart as desired, but that there are no refunds once my first coaching session begins. I understand that there are no "makeup" coaching sessions that were missed or cancelled/postponed in advance, as this is my incentive to attend as many as possible. I also understand that I may reschedule my appointment for a $15 fee, if done more than 24 hours in advance.  However, only 2 reschedules are allowed per coaching package, as it's ideal to have calls as consecutive as possible.

Group Coaching / Mastermind: There are no refunds for any used or unused portion(s) of group coaching services.

All Other Products and/or Services: There are no refunds.

Cancellation Policy

I understand that if I choose to cancel my subscription with Plant-Based Weight Loss For Women, I must submit This Online Form* at least 72 hours in advance of the renewal date.

If I initially registered after March 13, 2018, I understand I may alternatively cancel using the Settings Page** in the online portal less than 72 hours before the renewal date.

*Since we do not offer refunds, if you wish to cancel please do so before the next renewal date, otherwise you'll be purchasing access to an additional month's membership.

**If you need help accessing your account settings inside the online portal, please send an email to [email protected] at least 72 hours in advance of the renewal date.

When a cancellation request is submitted, the membership will be terminated effective immediately, and any unused portion of the subscription will not be refunded.


We are very sensitive to the issue of confidentiality. Confidentiality is crucial to an effective and trusting coaching relationship. There are three situations, however, where it may be necessary for us to share certain information with others. By agreeing to these terms you authorize the wellness coach to share information with others in the following circumstances: When there is clear indication that someone may be harmed, or there is serious threat to your own health or safety or that of others, or if your coach has reasonable cause to suspect the potential for harm to children.