The S&P Planner was so hard last month!
Well, let’s be honest… I don’t think it was the actual planner that was hard, I think it was fitting it in during the holidays!
Please tell me we weren’t the only ones who struggled with it?!
Lucky for us a lot of the items on the planner are actions we do daily like: meditating for 15 minutes, giving compliments, getting up early and getting in the kitchen.
And there are a few we would like to say we do every day but we’re not there yet like, “Cutting out all processed foods”, “Turning off electronics 3 hours before bed” or “Making time to cook with friends”.
Things to work on for 2014, I suppose ;)
If you must know, we only scored a 41 out of the 91 points… Yikes!
The Future of the S&P Planner:
Time for the exciting news: we’re going to be switching up the S&P Planner and only offering it once a season as a competition! We’ll be offering prizes for those with the most points at the end of the month. To get the full details and be the first to know when the planner is posted, make sure you’re on our email list (there’s a sign-up box at the end of the post).
The next S&P Planner will go out in the SPRING and you will be playing to WIN our favorite knifes and other kitchen tools, superfoods, chocolate, gift cards and a few other surprises!
If you’re sad the S&P Planner is only going to be offered once a season…. :( make sure you like us on Facebook as we are committed to posting weekly, tasks and inspiration!
OK your turn, leave a comment below and let us know:
How did you do on the S&P Planner? Are you interested in playing in the Spring? Where do you struggle when it comes to cooking and eating healthy?
And don’t for get to sign up below to be the first to know about the spring contest!
3 replies to "S&P Planner: December Review and Exciting News!"
Great idea for the competition! I’m more competitive than I’d like to admit, so that will be good motivation for me – and everyone likes free stuff! To be honest, I didn’t even try the planner in Dec, so maybe I will use it in the next couple of months until the spring one goes out.
It is really helpful to know you guys aren’t 100% processed foods free yet – and even that you scored 41/91. I always make the assumption that everyone but me is doing this stuff perfectly, and I need the reminder that that isn’t true. More important is knowing how great you guys look and say you feel despite not eating perfectly, which following this lifestyle most of the time gives you great health! I tell myself to aim for 90% of the time, but I think I subconsciously expect perfection and am disappointed in myself when I don’t achieve that.
Thanks for all you are doing to help the rest of us be healthyier!
Laurel I am right there with you:) I say, I am not competitive but something about a competition…it just keeps me more engaged! Which is our goal with the S&P planner! Peter and I have found you don’t have to be perfect with your diet but the key is consistency…and eating really well most of the time. And you can’t beat yourself up or be hard on yourself because lets face it, we all want to do our best but life happens, stuff comes up. And sometimes its outside of our control.
We are not perfect but eating well and cooking is important to us, so we try our best!
I love that you are going to try the December planner this month…let us know how you do. I will post some items on Facebook as well!
The S & P planner was my fav so I’m sad that it will be offered seasonally, but that encourages me to make even more effort with it when it is offered again. Count me in! Happy New Year!