Are you addicted to caffeine but ready to take back your energy, strength & vitality?
Guys this video is for you

Do you have a hard time getting up in the morning?
Didn’t sleep well? Aren’t motivated to hop out of bed for a workout? Or come home after work during the week and just don’t have the energy to exercise or think about healthy food?
Imagine waking up easier. Going to work without needing coffee? Working through the afternoon without a slump? Coming home excited about spending time with family & maybe working on a project? Heading to bed with enough energy to connect with your partner?
If you know you can take your health & energy back with a little guidance, I’m here for you!
I’ve been there, and I’m ready to help you get your energy back asap.
I remember a time when I hated exercise (mostly because I wasn’t, and I hadn’t for a long time). It’s easy to stay where you currently are, but that just means more time spent feeling tired, lazy & depressed.
Again, I can relate.
I was very active when I was younger, and even with my first jobs as a painter & carpenter - but once I started to work behind a desk it all went to crap… but so gradually that I didn’t realize it until I was gaining weight and feeling stuck.
By the time I was put on salary, my body and my health were a wreck.
Getting up in the morning got harder (especially Monday). I was drinking about 4-5 cups of coffee a day, and working a stressful career 50+ hours a week with a 2 hour commute took its toll.
It wasn’t long until I hit rock bottom. I was drinking every night, needed caffeine all day long, and felt depressed with my job & my life.
When I came across a plant-based diet I was in the right point in my life: I needed change and I was ready for it.
Flash forward to now...
Honestly, it’s like I’ve regained my youth. I wake up without needing willpower. I’m active all day long, but always get in my workout before starting work. I get outside every day rain or shine to enjoy a walk & relax.
After work I have time for myself to work on projects, make food, do chores, and sometimes so much energy in the evening I have to force myself to relax in order to sleep and get up early again.
I want to help YOU get these same results.
Are you ready to regain your energy without relying on coffee?
So if that’s you, you’re exactly who I made this plan for!
But if you’re looking for a quick fix, hate healthy food, don’t like a challenge, or want to avoid changing your lifestyle - look elsewhere, this isn’t for you man.
If you follow this energy plan, here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

- Better quality sleep
- Easier time waking up & getting going
- 100% more ‘morning energy’ after 7 days
- No longer need coffee
- More work productivity in the afternoon
- 200% more ‘afternoon energy’ after 28 days
- More stamina continuing into the evening
- Improved mood - it’s hard not to be happy when you’re healthy
- Better coordination & love with your partner
- Weight loss (part of this new energy will come by just being 'lighter')
- More time for projects and forgotten hobbies
What it's going to take:
Specific action items to follow every day during the plan
These cover all aspects of your life, with diet as the main focus (all whole food, plant-based), as well as exercise, organization & mindset.

List of things to avoid
Again, to get your energy back and everything promised above, you’ll need to be fully plant-based. This section will give you some pointers on substitutions in case you need them.
Recipes for all day energy
These are recipes that are filling, tasty, quick, and nutritionally balanced. You don’t have to use these exclusively, but they’re all written out in case you need something fast one night.

Answers to your most pressing questions
How can I quit coffee - do I have to? How do I get full on plant-based foods? How do I snack less? How do I make sure I get all of my nutrients?
After reading through this section you’ll feel completely ready to tackle this plan head-on!
Simple daily routine to follow
This will help make following this plan a lot easier (which you can tailor to your own schedule), and after the first week everything will be more automatic.

Processed Foods List
This isn’t an ‘anything goes’ diet, but you also don’t have to completely give up convenience products. There are tons of items you can still buy to save time while continuing to rebuild your natural energy levels.

Additional items included for even better results...

Energy chart for tracking progress
This is an optional (but simple) 1-page print out to manage your results throughout the program. Not just your overall energy, but sleep quality, ease of wake up & the severity of your afternoon slump. By looking backwards on how far your energy has come, this chart will help you continue moving forward.
Overview Video: Using this guide for maximum results
This plan is jam packed with information, so right away I want you to be clear on the 3 next steps you need to take in order to get started without overthinking it.

Extra credit items to accelerate your progress
Includes things like supplements, habits & activities to squeeze in when you can. These are all great tasks if you’re feeling good and want more (and as you go through the plan and build up more & more energy you’ll need to find more things to do anyways!)
Before we go any further, I want to clear the air about a few things you might not be so sure about...
When following this plan, you actually don’t have to worry about:
Spending a bunch of time making food - I’ll show you how to keep things basic
Not getting enough to eat - you just have to have the right stuff on hand, I’ll give you tons of examples in detail as I’ve always had a big appetite
Missing nutrients - I’ll give you tips on rotating foods so you’re always filling in nutritional gaps
Completely quitting processed foods - I’ll provide a list of the products I eat to make meals faster, and snacking easier

In case you’re wondering ‘why listen to this guy’, let me tell you why I’m not the worst person to help you...
Everything included in this plan is the exact process I followed with my own diet in 2010, which dramatically increased my energy, and hasn’t let me down yet.
I've completed 2 marathons (but trained for 4... long story), and once ran 39 miles in a 24-hour period...
On a 100% Plant-Based Diet... with amazingly fast recovery time.
Since 2012 I’ve been helping men, women & couples transition to a plant-based diet, lose weight, increase their energy, get off their meds, etc... Now I’m showing up full time to help you achieve the same.

"Before working with Sarah and Peter we had a very unhealthy lifestyle. Always stressed, eating a lot of fast foods and processed foods. We were both overweight and tired all the time, drinking coffee to get energy.
We stopped eating meat and dairy. We both lost weight and had increased energy. My husband's cholesterol dropped without medication!"
~Gigi & Jeff

Changing your diet & lifestyle is extremely difficult for most people, but I know exactly what to share with you and when in order to get you eating better without overthinking it and making your life more challenging than it already is.
With more energy, you’ll have more time for doing things you haven’t been able to get to in years.
It’s life changing, but it doesn’t have to be hard!
Grab your plan today, and I’ll show you how...
Valued at $499
Only $199
BONUS #1 - You get either text message or email support from me personally for the next month. I’ll make myself available to answer questions, provide modifications to recipes, and troubleshoot any challenges that come up for you during this program.
BONUS #2 - Getting All Of Your Nutrients Bundle. This was a huge concern of mine when considering a plant-based diet, and now I have an entire resource section dedicated to demystifying the whole process. It’s actually not hard if you know what to do.
BONUS #3 - Future versions of this plan forever, including recipes & resources added to the online portal where you’ll have access for life.
An important thing to note...
This plan assumes you’re already aware of the compelling research behind the benefits of a plant-based diet, and have no fear about committing to and sticking with such a plan for 28 days in effort to experience the same for yourself.
This plan isn’t limited to just energy
A whole food plant-based diet is popular for long-term weight loss, diabetes, GERDS, heart disease, regular bowel movements, alzheimer’s, cancer, etc… and other parts of your life will improve too.
When you up your game with your diet, other changes you want to make in your life will seem easier - and you’ll have more confidence & ideas to help you achieve them.
Tried to go plant-based before? Here’s why you failed...
At a glance it doesn’t seem that hard: vegetables, beans, grains, seeds, fruit, nuts…
But if you don’t have a plan then you’ll slowly go back to your old habits again.
Or maybe you had a plan, but whoever wrote it wasn’t a man addressing the specific barriers to success us guys face when approaching a diet like this.
That being said, if you’re like me and hate the idea of dieting, just think of plant-based as a new way of eating. One that gives you energy again, helps you get more done, and puts you on the path towards living like you really want to. You can have your cake and eat it too, I’ll show you how.
Life is so much more than what others think of you. And if you’re a guy who doesn’t give a shit if other men think this lifestyle is girly, you’ll be able to change your fate.
While other men are gaining weight, losing energy, increasing their meds, and dying young, you’ll be going the opposite direction. How great would that feel? Yeah, and that’s only the beginning.
Get your Energy Plan today, it’s time to take back control of your life...
Valued at $499
Only $199