Achieve Health Goals.
Manifest Abundance.
Journal Joyfully.
This workshop is for those who want to achieve their health goals, manifest a rich life, and journal in a joyful way.
This 2-hour “hands on” online workshop would be perfect for you if...
- You really want to get into journaling... but end up staring at the blank pages, not sure what you’re supposed to write.
- Every year you set big goals you’d love to achieve... but you end up forgetting about them before you make it to the halfway mark.
- You’ve recently heard about manifestation... but have no clue how to do it, and being totally honest, you’re still kinda confused/skeptical.
- In the past you’ve made a vision board... but it was full of things you don’t really care about (cars, material possessions, etc.) and words that have no meaning to you, because that’s what you thought you were suppose to do.
What we’re covering:
- The “what” and “how” of Manifestation - so you can use it to attract more of the things you really want in life, such as more money to travel & stop worrying, a healthy diet not only for you but for your entire family, or a more meaningful career.
- What should and shouldn’t go on your vision board, and how to use it to stay accountable all year long.
- How to break big goals into smaller, more manageable ones, so you can actually achieve them.
- How to journal for success, clarity, and piece of mind.
Since putting these skills into practice, we’ve been able to reduce our stress & anxiety, wake up excited, journal daily for over a year without missing a day, double our income, and helping 100’s of women + couples implement these strategies and reach their health goals with more ease.
If you’re ready to incorporate some of these tools and get real results, we invite you to join us for this interactive workshop.
Your Hosts,
Sarah & Peter (lifestyle coaches at The Seasonal Diet)

Sunday Jan 21 @ 11 am PST / 2 pm EST
(workshop is approx. 2 hours)
*We highly recommend you come live, although there will be a replay available if you can’t attend, or something comes up last minute. Those who come live will be able to ask all of their questions.
This will be hosted online
We'll send you details on how to use ZOOM (free software you’ll need to download on your smartphone or computer (it’s very easy). You’ll get a link before the workshop, and you’ll connect at your own house via your computer.
NOTE - This workshop is also interactive, meaning you’ll have a chance to be on video (or you can turn off your video), and we’ll be asking you to do some journaling & crafting during the workshop.
Also Included:

This bonus includes 3 simple things you can do before the workshop that will help you create a winning mindset, and will allow positive energy and ideas to start flowing your way.
Let's Manifest a Better Life Together. Health, Abundance & Happiness!
(Regularly $75)
Only $45
- 100% Secure Checkout
3 spots left (25 total) - this is first come first served.
Once you sign up, your spot is saved. You’ll receive directions and some pre-work a week before the workshop.
More Questions? Email [email protected]