Here are the replays to each of the videos in our
Grounded & Well Rounded Series!
Why we plan on living to 120, and how we're making it happen!
Why we plan on living to 120, and how we're making it happen!
Posted by The Seasonal Diet on Monday, October 16, 2017
*Un-mute video to hear us
The top 3 things you need to do before bed to guarantee you wake up feeling energized + refreshed for years and years to come!
The top 3 things you need to do before bed to guarantee you wake up feeling energized + refreshed for years and years to come! 120 Life (Coaching Program): https://theseasonaldiet.com/120-life
Posted by The Seasonal Diet on Wednesday, October 18, 2017
*Un-mute video to hear us
Move past other people's crap so you can take back your energy!
Move past other people's crap so you can take back your energy! 4-Month Coaching Program: https://theseasonaldiet.com/120-life
Posted by The Seasonal Diet on Friday, October 20, 2017
*Un-mute video to hear us
The 6 Biggest Diet Mistakes You’re Making and How to Avoid them Moving Forward!
The 6 Biggest Diet Mistakes You’re Making and How to Avoid them Moving Forward! Live Long With No Regrets Coaching Program Now Open: https://theseasonaldiet.com/120-life
Posted by The Seasonal Diet on Sunday, October 22, 2017
*Un-mute video to hear us

Grounded & Well Rounded Series!
If you keep eating & living like you currently are, how long do you think you’ll live? Honestly?!
Isn’t time you took 100% responsibility for your life, and re-claimed your health?
Because you can. Yes, you can do this.
Are you ready to wake up feeling on-top of the world?
Feeling Strong, Energized, Vibrant, and in love with your life?
We sure hope so!
We started our journey when we couldn’t bare continuing on our current path.
A little glimpse from our past...
For the most part we were eating an “anything goes diet”, with a few weight loss bars thrown in for good measure.
We didn’t feel good, we had no energy, stomach issues, breakouts and blemishes. We were in our early 20’s, but already 20 pounds overweight!
Not to mention we hated our jobs, and dreaded getting out of bed in the morning.
We used alcohol, food, and materialistic objects to make us feel better about our lives. It helped a little, but never made us feel 100%.
We had to make a conscious decision to change. And, change we did!
Hopefully that’s the point where you’re at right now.
If you're at that point too, here's what's possible:
- Waking up every day full of ENERGY - excited to get out of bed.
- Eating food that makes your body come ALIVE - food you can feel good about, food that leaves your skin VIBRANT. No longer being afraid of pasta, or carbs, or fat - but having freedom for once.
- You’ll FREE yourself of that fear of dying like your relatives (heart problems, brain damage, fragile bones, illness-prone immune system).
- You’ll have MORE time to spend with your children (and grandchildren). Watch them grow old, and inspire them to life a long, healthy & rewarding life like you are.
- You’ll gain Health AND Release WEIGHT - no more taking the shortcut to losing the weight. You’ll get healthy and naturally arrive at your ideal size.
- You’ll become strong - PHYSICALLY so you can work on a farm, hike a mountain, or travel the world. MENTALLY so you can stick up for yourself when your neighbors are inconsiderate, when your boss has no boundaries, or your family is unreasonable.
- You’ll have the BEST immune system in town - avoiding the flu, common colds and bounce around your friends & family with more energy than you ever thought possible.
When you're healthy and strong, you LOVE your life. You'll go after your dreams, and wish it never ends!
If you’re ready to create that life, let us be your guides.
It's time to attain that healthy lifestyle worth living for.

After this program you will...
- Know exactly what foods are right for you, as you age, and as the seasons change. No more diets, fads, or gimmicks, you don’t need those anymore (and PS - you never did!)
- Release the weight, but more importantly gain the confidence to make meals, workout, and know exactly what you’re doing.
- Bust through your blocks, so you get past being stuck, and can finally workout consistently.
- Prevent illness & disease. Instead of treating the symptoms, you’ll learn how to create health before things get any worse.
3 lessons we learned the hard way...
1). What you eat matters. If you want to live a long time, you have to fall in LOVE with healthy food. And by ‘healthy food’ we mean fresh whole foods (things that grow in the earth), not the processed & packaged foods that are marketed as ‘heart healthy & natural’.
2). You have to go against the grain and find your community. Most of the people in our society want you to stay exactly where you are: sick + stuck. Mainstream information is BS, Diets are Bogus, and the Scarcity Mentality is strong. In order to break free you have to do things differently, and find others who are doing that too who can support you along your journey.
3). If you want to love your life you have to create it. You have to make the first move, you have to take action. You have to take a risk and put yourself out there - but the reward is beyond words.
What this program looks like
Weekly Calls
Women: you’ll connect with Sarah each week. Couples: you’ll connect with Sarah & Peter. You’ll work through any blocks, come up with an action plan, and work on the principals to help you live to 120+
Building Principal Emails
Each week you’ll receive an email with 3 new principals to help you increase your health, and longevity. These build on each other and there are 48 principal's total.
Results Oriented Actions
After each call you’ll receive your custom actions, these are things you need to do to move forward. These include but aren’t limited to: recipes, meditations, workouts, mindset exercises, and self-care practices.
4 Months in Our Private Mastermind
During your transformation it’s really important that you surround yourself with healthy like-minded people. Our mastermind is full of people who are also working on improving their health.
Recommended Mindset Book List
A list of all of the mindset books we’ve read over the years that have helped us achieve our goals, and ones that will help you as well.
*Peter and Sarah will be available M-F 9am-5pm via email and messenger, to answer any questions, and support you however needed.
Sometimes this looks like “Help I’m having the worst day and don’t think I can workout” or “OMG I’m at the store and have no clue where to find tahini?”... no matter what we’ve got your back!
120 Life is perfect for you if…
- You get sick more than you’d like to admit, and you feel like if you keep going like this you’re going to be dead before long.
- You have no energy and eat crap to make up for it, and in turn you feel worse.
- You want to eat healthy and love your life, but it’s not happening!
- You want to set a good example for your family, but no one is on board, and it’s basically a hot mess!
- You’re tired of saying you’re going to eat healthy and workout, and then not doing it.
- You’re confused about what to eat. You know diets aren’t the answer, but you don’t know how else to get the results you want.
This program is 4 Months long and covers all of the areas we believe are the most important when it comes to living a long life: Diet, Lifestyle, Emotions, and Relationships.
Are you ready to feel strong, vibrant, healthy, and on TOP of the world?!
We’re obsessed with health, and we plan on living to 120.
But even more so, we’re obsessed with helping others ditch the diet, get healthy, and ALSO live to 120!
We’ve helped many other women & couples ditch the diet, so that they could create a healthy lifestyle they love.
“I started working with Sarah because I was feeling tired, overweight and frustrated with my health.The most exciting moment was getting on the scale and seeing a difference! I lost 10 pounds (maybe more - haven't been on the scale this month;-) and I have more energy. I didn't expect to work on my own blocks and boundaries. It was the hardest part, but also the most useful in sustaining a healthy lifestyle. If you're thinking about working with Sarah, it's worth it, however, you must be ready to work and open to plant-based living.” ~Karina

“Before working with Sarah and Peter we had a very unhealthy lifestyle. Always stressed, eating a lot of fast foods and processed foods. We had a lot of health issues, and they were getting worse. We were both overweight and tired all the time, drinking coffee to get energy.The single best part of working with Sarah and Peter was that we were both on the same page. We both started shopping together and cooking together and enjoying each other's company. You guys are so much fun to work with. You are very easy-going, and you made the transition easy for us. Both you and Peter helped us solve our problems and get through challenges. We stopped eating meat and dairy. We both lost weight and had increased energy. My husband's cholesterol dropped without medication!” ~Gigi (and Jeff)

“I needed to start taking charge of my health, and I thought having someone help me focus on this would be what I needed. I feel like I found you guys just at the right time in my life! I had let things go, and once I decided that I needed to work on my health very seriously, you and Peter and the Seasonal Diet showed up in my life. It would be a lot harder for me to deal with this on my own! My favorite part was knowing I could check in with you every week and knowing I wasn't alone. I did lose weight - slowly, at first, but now it's up to 20 lbs. The amount of vegetables I eat every day has increased a lot too! I was surprised how easy it was to cut dairy out of my diet - I thought that it would be harder than it was. Also surprised at how making gradual changes each week could amount to a significant transformation in my attitude and approach to my health.” ~Jericho

“We really enjoyed the course and our call last Thurs. We feel so healthy and I'm pumped I lost 5 lbs!! He is loving seeing his BP go down too:) Thanks again!” ~Christiana G.
“You do not have a one size fits all program. To be honest, I expected you to tell me more "what not to do," such as don't eat meat, don't eat gluten, don't eat cheese, don't drink alcohol, etc. But you are so open to lifestyles different than your own, and you emphasize personal balance. I was so refreshed to learn that! Also, you were prepared for each meeting, despite my late submissions of each pre-call form, and you adjusted your education to meet my daily needs. On a personal note, I didn't expect to enjoy salads. But I do! Once I saw and felt the benefits, and the ease of preparation, I became a salad convert. Would I recommend working with Sarah? YES! ASAP! She is phenomenal, and you will love her!” ~Christina

Did we mention bonuses?! Over $500 in bonuses!
Yeah, we love giving our clients all the goods :)
When you sign up, you’ll also receive….
2018 California Retreat Discount [$250 value]
We're hosting a live retreat this April!! It will be Friday-Sunday in San Diego Ca. There will be lots of cooking, connecting, and unplugging You can count on amazing food and a life changing experience!
Couples also welcome. We're limiting it to 10 people, and when you join 120 Life you get first dibs!

Juicing 101 Workshop [$65 value]
This is a 90 minute training that will teach your everything you need to know about juicing, the benefits, mistakes, what juicers we recommend, and what to juice.
Cleansing Basics Workshop [$65 value]
This 90 minute training will walk you through various types of cleanses and foods to help your body detox naturally.
Rejuvenate Your Life Bundle [$40 value]
Includes Palo Santo Smudge Stick, Cleansing Crystal/ Breathe Roll on Essential Oil (sent to you in the mail)
How To Create An Epic Bucket List [$99 value]
Now that you're going to live longer, you'll have more time to accomplish everything you want. Join us and create your extended buck list + vision board in our upcoming Workin' Workshop!

There are only 5 spots available for this program, and none of us are getting any younger.
If you're interested, but have questions - please send us a message right now! Simply click the blue "Send To Messenger" button!
We're closing enrollment soon and want you in it :)
~ Peter & Sarah Hagstrom