Happy Holidays!
We hope you have a healthy & fun holiday season. Today we’re ending Season 1 of The Health Beet Podcast with some easy health tips to get you feeling energized and healthy through the rest of the year. We share things you can do before a big meal (like exercise, hydrate, drinking your greens), during the holidays (chew your food, apply the 80/20 Rule)… and after a big meal (like a shot of Aloe Vera Juice, go raw and get back to your routine).
We also have a little giveaway going on below + a deal on our healthy lifestyle programs.
Enjoy, and we’ll be back with Season 2 in January!
- End of Season 1! Here are some of the most popular episodes of the season:
- Season 2 Release Date: January 2016 (coming back with interviews!)
- How to stay healthy before the holiday
- Limit sugar
- Increase activity (even an extra 20 minutes a day helps)
- Fire up your gut: Increase probiotics & fermented foods
- Meditate
- How to stay healthy during the holiday
- Hydrate
- Eat/drink your greens early in the day
- Apply the 80/20 Rule (80% healthy (think salads & sides) 20% treats (sweets & drinks)
- Eat slowly, chew your food
- Be Kind, Thankful & Grateful
- How to stay healthy after the holiday
- Get back on track
- Don’t feel obligated to eat leftovers (especially cookies & Pie)
- Don’t be too hard on yourself
- Workout
- Do a juice cleanse
Holiday Giveaway

Enter below for your chance to win a holiday package with the following:
1 package Bob’s GF Oats, 1 package Bob’s Almond Meal, 1 package Flax Seed Meal, 1 package Garbanzo Bean Flour, 12 pack GoMacro Mini Bars, SO True Fermented Plant-Based Protein Powder + a few seasonal goodies.
Giveaway is now over :(
BOGO Black Friday Sale for New Members
Deal Ended November 27th, 2015 :(
Entree Salads: Mexii Kale Salad, Quinoa Tempeh Salad, Sweet Potato Salad, Tahini Salad
8 Stress-Less Tips for More Peace
Black Friday Special New Member Special
The Weekend Cleanse (Member’s Only Resource)
4 replies to "HB36: HOW TO Stay Healthy Before, During & After the Holidays"
I just want to say how proud and inspired I am of you two. You two have grown leaps and bounds since the first podcast and are a real joy to listen to. I also want to say that you two very much help me keep an eye on health and fitness every time I feel myself slipping. We love you both so much and wish, oh so very much, that we could come visit you in SD. We are tired of below freezing weather and it is only going to get worse. But we know how to bundle and how to have a fun time so we will be all good up here.
Your support means the world to us! Thanks J,B & H:)
Hey guys! Love what you’re doing it’s great! xx
Thanks Amy!