HB29: How we eat healthy and budget


Hey There Health Beet Listener!

Today’s show is all about saving money while eating healthy.  Answer me this…

Do you want to save money while still eating organic?

Of course you do! Well, it can be difficult, but it can also be done! While we spend more than most people do on food, we still like to save money when we can. Our health is important to us, so we prefer to  purchase the best organic food we can, that way we can avoid the doctor and serious disease in the future.

That being said, we don’t have all this extra money to spend at the health food store, and we like to spend money on other things (like traveling!) so we try and save the best we can. In today’s show, Peter and I walk you through some of the most common ways we save money in hopes of helping you to save some too!


You Have to Make a List– Shopping without a plan results in forgotten items, impulse buys and having to make extra trips to the store.

Buying in Bulk–  You can save a lot of money buy using the bulk bins. We save by purchasing things like dried beans, chia seeds, GF flours, nutritional yeast, sugars, buckwheat and rolled oats.

Shopping Local– Hit up your Farmers Market, Buy what’s in season, Stock up.

How to use Coupons–  Pick up Whole Foods’ Whole Deal when in the store. Sign up for their newsletter to get healthy coupons.

Limit Specialty Ingredients- Only buy chocolate cereal, raw foods and kombucha on the weekends or special occasions.

Treats and Snacks– Make these yourself. Bars, granola, kombucha… all of these can be made on your own.  Usually you have to give up time or money.

Skip the Salad Bar- You are paying for convenience and usually these ingredients are not the freshest. Buy the ingredients and make your own salads.

Don’t Shop when Hungry-  You already know this but eat before you go:) Shop the perimeter.

Don’t Buy Things Unless You Need Them–  Just because it’s new or on sale doesn’t mean you need it.

Eating Out– Avoid this if you’re trying to save money. We maybe go out once a month but we really try to avoid it. Once you are comfortable cooking you can create better tasting food than you get at the restaurant. It’s more affordable not to mention healthier!

Bonus Tips: Start a garden, Shop Deals on line, Use Thrive Market, re-purpose left-overs, cook in bigger batches, use your freezer. Skip the coffee’s, smoothies & juices at cafes and make your own.


The Benefit of Eating Seasonal Produce– Podcast on Farmers Market

How We Meal Plan– Another podcast on meal planning

Private Facebook Group– Free and waiting for you to join us!


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SEE What we bought at our most recent Shopping Trip….

Not a member yet? Join Here & Then Watch the Video;)


Learn how to Make Your Own Beans from scratch and Save $$$


Real Quick…. Thanks for listening! We really hope this show helped you and if you have any more Q’s leave them in the comments below.

Also, I’d love to hear how you save money while keeping healthy?

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