Meal Planning


Hi Friends!

This week’s show is all about planning when it comes to FOOD. We share how we do it, because there are a lot of ways you can go about it, and we have a few tricks up our sleeves. Hopefully our advice & insights help you become a better planner, but remember that everyone’s schedule is a little different, so use what you want (what makes sense for you) and leave the rest! Feel free to leave a comment below and let us know if this was helpful or to clarify as we cover a lot.


  • How we meal plan– we usually shop Mon-Wed-Fri-Sat. Farmers Market on Wednesdays & Sundays (to pick up our CSA Box).
  • Staples- what we always have on-hand, nuts, grains, condiments (hot sauce, tahini, balsamic)
  • Things we make when short on time– oats, buckwheat for lunch, salad and grain bowls for dinner.
  • Batch Cooking– We love making beans, grains, almond milk in batches. Granola is another great option for lunches, or grain-free muffins.
  • Inspiration – have a place to look when inspiration runs dry.
  • Time Management & Planning- find a time that work’s best for you.
  • Healthy Eating Commandments– A salad everyday, green juice every morning, at least 50% raw, organic whenever possible, every smoothie a green one, as little sugar as possible, always always read the ingredients & label, no meal shall have more than 2 processed items, don’t eat out more than once per day, eat according to your hunger, not the clock.


5 fast things to make when it’s late and you’re tired– Podcast episode

Our Pantry Staples– List of everything in our pantry (it’s the downloadable for the podcast)

How to Cook Dried Beans– We do this every week

Instagram– great spot for inspiration (hashtags- Theseasonaldiet, vegan, glutenfree, raw, foodie, feedfeed)

The Seasonal Diet– Our recipe section

No Meat athlete– Blog Peter used to use for finding recipes

30 healthy Lunch recipes– That travel

Mini Habit Session

One thing we highly suggest doing when meal planning is picking recipes that use similar ingredients. For example, if you buy things for a Mexican Recipe, and don’t use them all, then serve a Thai Recipe the next day as it may also include cilantro and limes.

Habit Hacking session

We will be talking about Meal Planning and how to re-purpose inside The Seasonal Diet Community On Monday, August 10th from 6-6:20pm (PST). It will be a live call where members can ask questions. Simply login and you will see our call. If you’re not a member, but are curious about this session, you can start a trial of The SD HERE.

Our Gift for you-> Meal Planning Tool Kit

(click the image below to download)


We hope you enjoyed this show on meal planning, and if we missed your question please leave a comment below and let us know!

Thanks again for tuning in, and don’t forget to Download Your Toolkit.

    2 replies to "HB23 Prepared: Meal planning made simple"


      I am sorry I missed your talk on the 10 th. I live in Australia so big time difference. I am reading about the disadvantages of wheat and grains.. But does this mean Quinoa, rice, buckwheat and oats are bad ? I am a vegetarian and look mostly to legumes and beans in my diet

      • Sarah

        Hey Anette!

        Since you are a member you can listen to the reply of our talk inside of the community. Message me if you need help finding it! I wouldn’t say, those grain are bad rather it’s important to see how they make you feel after eating them. And Maybe try and eat them only once a day. We recommend a lot of fresh produce:)

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