Hi Friends!
Oh man this was a tough episode to record. Peter and I have some different views when it comes to sugar and what we consider “sugar”. But hey, that’s how it goes, and we got through it :)
If you’re a member of The Seasonal Diet, you know we don’t believe in food restrictions, but we do think cutting back or eating less sugar is really important. Sugar is very addicting and so easy to consume. If you’re curious about sugar and the amount of sugar we eat, give this episode a listen.
What’s this episode all about you ask?
- How we justify sugar, how much is too much?
- Our weekly dessert schedule
- Our Top 5 Sugars: Coconut Sugar (and nectar), Dates, Stevia, Honey, Maple syrup – why we pick these over others.
Show Notes
Hungry for Change– Food Matters Film
Bad Sugar, Good Sugar is there such a thing – Sugar happens video
Living Candida Free -Book review
How to Avoid that Artificial Stevia Taste
26 Things You Never Knew About Me – I admit to eating honey
Sweet and Sara – The Vegan Marshmallows we brought camping
Free Downloadable
A list of our pre-packaged approved low sugar treats and snacks + a low sugar Chocolate Tahini Cookie Recipe
Download Your Copy Here
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Gracias amigos! We are so happy you’ve been digging The Health Beet.
4 replies to "HB08 Mindfulness: How we justify sugar"
I see that the marshmallows have carrageenan in them, and I don’t usually buy products containing that. I know I got vegan marshmallows at Whole Foods for my kid before, but I can’t remember the brand. I’ll have to read that label carefully, too. Marshmallows are a rare treat for her, like for hot cocoa (love the SD recipe for that, btw) during the holidays or for camping.
I know right:( Did you know that there is a type of Carrageenan that is made from seaweed? True story, but I doubt that is the case with these. I’m with you, I don’t want that ish in my food but since we don’t eat them more than twice a year I made an exception. I do like the company and their products are all made by hand. Let me know the brand you buy, if you find them!
Great show you guys! Funny, informative and helpful.
Thanks Christiana:) Let us know if you have any topics you want us to cover in future shows…Ideas always welcome!