Have you ever gotten so far off track that the only way back is by throwing out the map and starting from scratch?
Well, that's exactly how our story goes!
Hi! I'm Sarah, and in the video above is my husband Peter.
Together we run The Seasonal Diet, where we help women and couples lose weight and thrive on a plant-based diet.
Everything changed for us in 2010.
Before then, I suffered from the worst persistent stomach pain.
Doctors couldn't figure it out. IBS, allergic to gluten, maybe it's just stress? they would say.
Skin issues that had me so self-conscious I wouldn't leave the house without a full face, and extra weight that had me shopping non-stop trying to find the perfect outfit that made me look skinny.
Peter struggled with low energy, constipation, and the weight was creeping up.
We were unhappy and unconscious.
So 2010 Peter took the lead.
He broke up with me and shook everything on its head.
Looking back it's one of the best things that's ever happened to us.
Not how I would have done things, but sometimes that's what it takes to have a wake-up call.
While we were apart, we found a plant-based diet.
We couldn't believe at 22 and 23, this was the first time we heard about this?!
I remember thinking...
Of course I feel like crap, of course I've been sick my entire life, I've never thought once about the food going into my mouth.
I'm thankful that in 2018 #YouAreWhatYouEat and #EatRealFood are trending, but that wasn't the case when we were getting started.
A plant-based diet is what brought us back together.
Since then we've been healing our bodies (because health is a long game), educating ourselves, and now we get to help others do the same thing.

"I started working with Sarah because I was feeling tired, overweight and frustrated with my health.The most exciting moment was getting on the scale and seeing a difference! I lost 10 pounds (maybe more - haven't been on the scale this month;-) and I have more energy. I didn't expect to work on my own blocks and boundaries. It was the hardest part, but also the most useful in sustaining a healthy lifestyle. If you're thinking about working with Sarah, it's worth it, however, you must be ready to work and open to plant-based living." ~Karina C.
We've helped couples work together to lower their cholesterol, get off medications, and thrive on a plant-based diet. And, most importantly build a stronger relationship.

"The single best part of working with Sarah and Peter was that we were both on the same page. We both started shopping together and cooking together and enjoying each other's company.
You guys are so much fun to work with. You are very easy-going, and you made the transition easy for us. Both you and Peter helped us solve our problems and get through challenges.
We stopped eating meat and dairy. We both lost weight and had increased energy. My husband's cholesterol dropped without medication!"
~Gigi (and Jeff)
Women's Weight Loss Action Plan
Thinking about going plant-based in hopes of losing weight? I can give you some pointers inside my Free Weight Loss Action Plan.
5 Plant-Based Swaps For Couples
And if you'd like to get your partner on board, be sure to grab our 5-Healthy Swaps Cheat Sheet.
Either way we're glad you found us, and can't wait to get to know you. Feel free to contact us here.
Keeping You Healthy,
Sarah & Peter